Under the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) employers have a legal liability to provide and sustain a safe working environment - which is without risks to employees' health. This means identifying any dangers related with electrical equipment in a workplace. These regulations now require that all electrical installations are tested and tagged and that records are kept.
The Australian Standards AS/NZS3760 In-Service Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment is acknowledged in Australia as the minimum safety obligation for the workplaces. This standard defines the employers obligation to provide necessary safety of persons using electrical equipment in the workplace through the routine inspection and testing of in-service electrical equipment.
Test and tag it use an advanced and cost effective test and tagging system that can help remove the stress involved in meeting your OH&S obligations. Our mobile test technicians are fully qualified and Test and tag it will help keep you, your staff and your customers safe from the potential dangers of using faulty electrical equipment.
Can help meet your WorkSafe audit and OH&S requirements.
Test & tag in accordance with AS/NZS 3760.
Minimise disruption to your business during test and tagging.
Can test & tag outside normal business hours if required.
Offer a polite, friendly, punctual and professional service.
Help to limit your liability and reduce insurance premiums.
Can remind you of your next "test due date".
Keep full records of all test & tags.
Are fully insured with public liability.
Service all areas of Melbourne.